away from the city, in the middle of the Dolomites

Crystal waters with a crystal surface on which are reflected the steeples of Dolomites of Brenta, an extraordinary alternation of chromatic shades of blue and green colours which invite the look to mix up the water and its shores.

Lake of Molveno, the second larger lake of Trentino, has received in 2010 the prestigious prize “Le cinque vele”- “The five sails”, published on Guida Blu –Blue Guide 2010. The classification, drafted by Legambiente and by the Italian Touring Club, rewards the locations which have been able to combine respect of the environment and touristic offer.

The lake of Molveno is also famous for its abundance of fish and it represents an ideal habitat for many ichthyic species which live in sweet water, for example the prestigious alpine char.

The limpid waters lick 10 hectares of beach in under lawn, a real oasis of wellness suitable for children, who will amuse themselves thanks to the equipped park, the sandbox, or with the slides of the playful swimming pool but also the boys, the girls and the adults will amuse themselves having an Olympic pool, a beach volley field, a basket field and many tennis courts at their disposal.

For people who look for an absolute relax, the best thing to do is ploughing the lake with a boat searching for a quiet beach, or travelling a suggestive path around the lake and among the woods of maples, cornels and birches.

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The Dolomites

Die Schönheit und die geologische und landschaftliche Vielfalt haben die internationale Expertenkommission der UNESCO dazu bewogen die Dolomiten zum Weltnaturerbe zu erklären.

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When you have appreciated all the beauties of this place, it is time to move in order to discover the other marvels of Trentino… you will have a pleasant surprise: it will be not necessary to move far away, Molveno in fact is situated in the heart of Tren

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Natural park Adamello Brenta

The lake of Molveno is encircled by the wide territory of the Natural Park Adamello Brenta, which is extremely articulated and diversified in its extension: forests of firs, beeches and larches, meadows with coloured and perfumed flowers, grasslands, past

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Via Nazionale 438018 MolvenoT 0461 586965F 0461 586247Contact us